Saturday, September 29, 2007

What is a good evolution...

I made a small intervention in a discussion about the Jordanian Society in the blog of my friend The Arab Observer i wrote about how society is evolving in an objective way and i put two main questions:
1. What is the "good" social evolution?
2. How can we effect this evolution?

The observer asked me what is the "good" evolution. In this article i will try to answer on this question. First let me write some things about the social evolution.

Society as every part of the universe is evolving. There are objective powers that are making the motion of society. The main power is the economy: The evolution of the means and the relations of production.

Until now we have seen 5 social systems in the history of humans: The primitive communist society, Slavery ,the feudal system, Capitalism and Socialism. Each one of these systems came as a rejection of the other and as a consequence of the evolution of the means of productions.

In the primitive communist society the means of production where the hunters and the hunting. All the persons do the same work and had a part of it. When we had the first agriculture production and with the evolution of the tools we had overproduction. Some of the people, the strongest, keep a part of this overproduction. The private property was born.

With the evolution of the techniques and the means of agriculture and farming the humans became the main mean of production: Slavery was born. After this there were the feudal system. With the evolution of the tools the part of the population that worked in the manufacture became stronger and stronger. There was no need for the feudal class. Capitalism was born. Together with the Class of capitalists a new class was born. This class is the working class. The class that is working with the tools and produce all the wealth. Today the evolution of the means of production has raised in the way where the working class can rule and be free. With the freedom of the working class comes the freedom of the other parts of society: middle class people, farmers ...etc. This is Socialism.

Certainly the evolution of the means of production brings the evolution of the society, the habits, the way of thinking, the traditions, the believes, the science every part of human activity. The same time the evolution of all these activities made a role in the evolution of the means of production. Here we have a dialectical relation between the base (the economy) and the superstructure (the habits, the way of thinking, the science.....). The evolution of the one brings the evolution of the other and the opposite!!

On this way we can see that the societies are evolving objectively. The habits and the human activities are evolving objectively too. Nothing can stop the evolution!!

What is now the "good" evolution. I will stay here in the example of the Jordanian society and i will try to show out what i mean with the expression "good".

Jordanian society is evolving. Nothing is the same as it was before 11 years when i left the country to come to Greece for studies. There are new habits (together with the old ones) new way of thinking (see for example the different blogs of the Jordanian Bloggers).

This evolution has come due to the evolution of the Jordanian economy and the relation of it with the western economies. The contact with other societies has brought many different new ideas, has evolved the Jordanian ideas!!

I will give an example. The late years there is a big discussion about the tribes and the need to change the relations between the tribes and the state, the political system ....etc. This comes due to the need of the economy to release from the tribes: Capitalism can not work with the tribes.... I am sure that this change will come.

What is the "bad" evolution: In my last visit in Jordan i observed many Jordanian youngsters to behave in "monkey like" way. What i mean. The dressed, behaved as western people but the same time they were thinking as "bad" traditional Arab people. I observed a change in the look but not in the ideas. This is the "Bad" evolution. To take only the image (the shape) of the others and keep the same mind.

The "good" evolution is this where in a criticism way you evolve the ideas. You keep the good things of your tradition and take the good things of the others. You change in the substance not only in the shape.

Evolution of society will come. The main thing is to be a part of it and not only a result of it...