Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What Stone Garden is??!!

The Stone Garden is a title of a book by Nikos Kazantzakis.


The Observer said...

And what does that book talk about? :)

Jamal-Odysseas Maaita said...

The most difficult part when you start a new action is to give a name on it. For example if you want to publish a new newspaper or a magazine you must select a name that gives a meaning on it, that describes it and on the same time that symbolize the whole action: For sure this chosen is not a simple thing.
For me on this action (it is my first blog!!) i had this problem once again. What was the most appropriate name for this blog??
I was thinking and suddenly my eyes went on my books of Nikos Kazantzakis. I thought that maybe a good idea is to borrow a name from his books as an act of hounouring him!!
Nikos Kazantzakis is a world known Greek writer, He was Born in 1883 and died in the mid 1950s. He was hounoured with the piece prize. and was suggested for the nobel prize (that he didn't took).
He was a writer with political act. He had many writings as 1. Report to Zorba, 2. Jesus recrusified, 3. The last temptation and many many other.
For this 2 last books he was excommunicated by the Orthodox Church and the last temptation was on the black list of the Catholic church.
He said that there where 3 great men for him: Buda, Jesus and Lenin.
I don't realy agree with all his philosophical views. I think that he was a little metaphysical on some way and i do not agree with that.
He did a lot of trips and wrote a lot of his experiences on a series of books that was called "Travelling".