Saturday, July 7, 2007

About "Live Earth"

While watching the news this morning i heard about a music marathon with the name "Live Earth" that would be take place in 7 cities in all over the world. The cause of this music marathon is the Sensitization of the people for the enviroment and the confrontation of overheat of the planet. Many great musicians as Madona, Metallica, Police and many others would participate in this music marathon. The concerts took place in Saturday in Johannesburg, London, New Jersey, Rio de Janeiro and Shanghai while an event-surprise became also in the Antarctica in a British scientific station with the attendance of an amateur group.

The news are good. There is an attempt to motivate people for the safe of the enviroment.
I was happy to hear for these concerts until i saw Mr. Al Gore, the former vice president of the USA the days of the Clinton Administration, speaking in the concerts.
What i was seeing was true!! The journalist on the TV station was saying that Mr. Gore had the initiative for this musical marathon!!

What is happening here i thought?? The same moment i remembered that Mr. Gore was here in Greece to give a talk about enviroment and the overheat of the planet. He also produced a video documentary that took an Oscar this year!!

What is happening here???? Was he or not the vice president of the US?? Was he or not one of the men that gave the order to Bombard Yugoslavia with weapons of Depleted Uranium destroying the enviroment of the Balkans??? was he or not the vice president of a country that DID NOT sign the KIOTO agreement????What happened and he changed his views???

In my opinion all this is hypocracy and big lies. It has to do with the coming elections and his personal image and nothing else. Why am i saying this??Because if he realy wanted to do something for the enviroment he could (and had to) do it when he was the number 2 man in the world. He didn't. Now the time has passed and there is only words ....

Experiment verifies and proves theory, and Life the words of men.

Life has proved that actions as this of Mr Gore are not authentic and hide personal ambitions.

We must reject them!!!

1 comment:

Ex-Mama said...

Yes, Jamal, you do smell a rat. Mr. Al Gore is doing this entire global warming campaign simply to resurrect nuclear power. Simply do a google search for "Al gore" + nuclear power and you will find all you need to know - I can also help you if you would like to learn more as I have a host of quotes from him. I can not believe how trusting the American liberals are...
Here's a good article:

Cathy Garger